Chubbsafes - Shop 1 Utama Online | ONESHOP


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Challenger Safe is medium security range, which has designed and developed by the Chubbsafes team to provide high attack resistance for cash and valuables.  Chubbsafes Challenger models go through a multi-stage anti-rust cleaning and degreasing process before epoxy priming and high-quality polyurethane topcoat finishing. This ensures that the products provide high-level security and look great. Challenger Additional Charges For Delivery: Size 1 RM160 per floor Size 2 RM240 per floor


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Ideal for homes and offices , the newly improved King Cobra MK II gives you certified protection against burglary and fire for valuable items , cash and documents. King Cobra Additional Charges For Delivery: Size 1 RM130 per floor Size 2 RM150 per floor Size 3 RM160 per floor Size 4 RM175 per floor Size 5 RM190 per floor


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Mini Banker’s body has an effective barrier thickness of 65 mm, filled with a specifically formulated Chubbsafes F60 barrier material. The overall door thickness of 88 mm is incorporating a 9 mm solid steel plate. The front of the door is secured to the body by front moving bolts. Mini Banker Additional Charges For Delivery: Size 2(KL) RM100 per floor Size 2(KCL) RM100 per floor Size 3 RM130 per floor Size 4 RM150 per floor Size 5 RM180 per floor Size 6 RM230 per floor Size 7 RM280 per floor


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Resolute Safe is medium security range, which has designed and developed by the Chubbsafes team to provide high attack resistance for cash and valuables. Resolute Additional Charges For Delivery: Size 3 RM320 per floor Size 4 RM1000 per floor


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The Chubbsafes Rhino Mk II offers a combined certified protection against burglary and fire in one safe: certified EN 14450, Class S2 for burglary and EN 15659 LFS for fire protection (up to 1 hour). You want a convenient and user-friendly safe that protects against burglary and fire for your cash, valuables, documents and vital records in your home or office. But you also need a tried-and-tested solution that does not compromise on security. The Chubbsafes Rhino Mk II offers combined fire and burglary protection certified by ECB•S. The new-and-improved design has been enhanced to deliver optimal convenience and ease of use. Rhino MK II Additional Charges For Delivery: Size 2 RM150 per floor Size 3 RM160 per floor Size 4 RM175 per floor


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1 ) Digital Lock with Touch Keypad-Touch keypad activates with the user’s touch 2) Emergency E-Powersupply-External micro USB 2.0 port for emergency 3) Enhanced Security-Enhanced security with 120dB alarm & thicker bolts 4) Trendy Design  & Colors-Various designs and colors are made by SUN SAFES, a pioneer of design safes   Dinero Digital Additional Charges For Delivery: RM60 per floor


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1 ) Digital Lock with Touch Keypad-Touch keypad activates with the user’s touch 2) Emergency E-Powersupply-External micro USB 2.0 port for emergency 3) Enhanced Security-Enhanced security with 120dB alarm & thicker bolts 4) Trendy Design  & Colors-Various designs and colors are made by SUN SAFES, a pioneer of design safes 5)  Can be drilled to the floor   Dinero Fingerprint Additional Charges For Delivery: RM60 per floor

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