
Pantry Essentials For Successful Baking

Shirlyn Preeta 0 Comments | 20/09/2023 | 08:48 AM | 22 | 1 minute read

Baking is a delightful and creative pursuit that brings joy and delicious treats to our lives. To embark on your baking adventures with confidence, it's crucial to have a well-stocked pantry filled with essential ingredients. Check out our list of must-have baking ingredients that will set you up for success in the kitchen. From flours and sugars to leavening agents and flavour enhancers, these essentials will ensure you're ready to create a wide range of delectable baked goods.


#1. All-Purpose Flour


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Cap Ros All Purpose Flour


A versatile flour used in most baking recipes, including cakes, cookies, bread, and pastries.


#2. Granulated Sugar


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Fine Granulated Sugar


The most common sweetener used in baking. It adds sweetness and helps with browning and texture in baked goods.


#3. Brown Sugar


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Brown Sugar


A moist sugar with a caramel flavour. It adds moisture, tenderness, and a richer taste to baked goods like cookies and cakes.


#4. Baking Soda


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Arm & Hammer Baking Soda


 Another leavening agent that reacts with acidic ingredients, such as buttermilk or yogurt, to create carbon dioxide and help baked goods rise.


#5. Salt

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Fine Sea Salt


 Enhances the flavours of baked goods and balances sweetness. It's essential for bringing out the best taste in recipes.


#6. Unsalted Butter

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SCS Unsalted Butter


 Used for its fat content, flavour, and texture in baking. It provides moisture and richness to cookies, cakes, and pastries.


#7. Eggs

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QL Deli Fresh Eggs


A binding agent that adds structure, moisture, and richness to baked goods. Most recipes call for large eggs unless otherwise specified.


#8. Vanilla Extract

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Star Brand Vanilla Flavour


 Adds a pleasant aroma and flavour to baked goods. Pure vanilla extract is preferred for its superior flavour.


#9. Milk or Buttermilk

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Full Cream UHT Milk


 Used to add moisture and richness to recipes. Milk is a staple, while buttermilk adds a tangy flavour and helps tenderise baked goods.


#10. Cocoa Powder


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Van Houten Cocoa Powder

 Essential for chocolate-based desserts, such as brownies, cakes, and cookies. Choose between natural cocoa powder and Dutch-processed cocoa powder based on the recipe.



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